Cleaning your home such as wiping down surfaces to remove dust or vacuuming and mopping the floor are things to do at least a few times every week to keep the space generally spotless. But not many homeowners see the need for deep cleaning, as most think that normal cleaning is sufficient as long as surfaces and furniture look spotless with the naked eye.
However, the reality is that there are about 9,000 different species of germs and bacteria in your home! The exact number depends on where your home is located, the gender of the people living together and whether you have any pets.
As such, deep cleaning your home is essential and should be done at least once every few months to not just improve hygiene, but also extend the lifespan of your furniture.
Read on to find out more about how to deep clean your home including the sofa, carpet and mattress.
1. Start from high to low
Cleaning the light fixtures and ceiling fans is something most homeowners miss out on but can greatly affect the cleanliness of your home as these items trap a lot of dust in their crevices. To prevent yourself from forgetting, always start from high to low when deep cleaning so you never miss out on the important areas. This is also a great tip to follow since most dust and grime will fall onto the floor when you clean items high up which means you can clean them all away when you finally get to the floor.
2. Use DIY methods to remove stains
It may seem challenging to deep clean your home without the fancy equipment that professional sofa, mattress and carpet cleaning services use. Thankfully, there are DIY methods you can try that are perfect for emergencies, such as when you accidentally stain your couch.
A concoction of baking soda and white vinegar or dishwashing liquid with a cloth can help to remove coffee, pet pee or grease stains from your upholsteries.
But if all else fails, you can always hire a sofa cleaning service to get the job done for you quickly and perfectly so all you have to do is just sit back and relax. Apart from removing stains, deeply embedded dust and bacteria get extracted at the same time, giving your upholsteries a new lease on life.
3. Vacuum your mattress
Make sure you do not forget your mattress as it absorbs all of your sweat, body oils as well as dust and dirt from the surroundings – it is often dirtier than you think! Although the conventional vacuum cleaner is mostly used on the floor, you can also use it to vacuum your mattress to remove as many dust mites and dirt as possible. Just make sure to use a sanitised attachment so you do not transfer germs and bacteria from the floor to your bed.
This is great for monthly maintenance but it is still advisable to hire a mattress cleaning service in Singapore for a thorough deep cleaning, as the equipment and products they use are stronger and more effective.
4. Remove foul smells
The carpet in your home that people or your pet step on every day traps a lot of dust mites, bacteria and other allergens that turn into unpleasant odours as time goes by. Thus, deep cleaning the carpet is essential.
Some ways to remove foul smells include deodorising it or leaving it out in the sun to air. Alas, these methods do not always work which is why it is recommended to hire a carpet cleaning service to give you peace of mind that both bacteria and odours get removed. It also helps to make the carpet look brighter!
If you would rather save all the trouble of deep cleaning your house especially the mattress, sofa and carpet yourself, consider hiring Clean Care. We provide professional carpet cleaning as well as sofa and mattress cleaning. Get in touch with us today.